13 Ways to Burn Fat Quickly (Without Losing Your Mind!)

To lose weight, all you have to do is follow these simple and effective steps!

1. The Weights Don't Bite

There are compelling reasons for you to lose your fear of dumbbells and incorporate them into your workouts. Contrary to what many may think, to lose weight it is not enough to do aerobic activities such as running, you must also sculpt and tone your muscles with anaerobic exercises such as weight lifting.

2. Eat Pasta Like This

A recent study published in the British Medical Journal has changed our lives by giving us the keys to eating pasta, rice and potatoes without regrets. It's very simple, you just have to cook the dish, let it cool down and then eat it (you can also reheat it). During this process, these ingredients are converted into resistant starch, which promotes fat loss, improves intestinal flora and prevents diseases such as colon cancer.

3. Healthy Rivalry

If you exercise with your partner, you will not only combat boredom, you will also burn more calories. This is because unconsciously a healthy competitiveness will be created that will make you demand even more of yourself. In addition, according to an investigation by the University of Indiana (USA), it will strengthen your union, long live your relationship! And, ahem, your abs.

4. Sign up for HIIT

A study from Laval University (Canada) might be just the motivation you need to exercise. Researchers say that up to nine times more calories can be burned in four minutes of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) than in 45 minutes of conventional constant intensity training. This is because this form of training generates a high oxygen debt (read: you continue to burn calories while resting).

5. Make Peace with the Scale

It is true that the figure it shows can guide you and give you a pat on the back (or a slap on the ear) for how you are fulfilling your fit duties. But beware! Do not misinterpret these numbers, if you have started to exercise and instead of losing weight you have gained it, do not throw in the towel, this is because muscle weighs more than fat. A trick? Get a digital scale that also controls parameters such as body fat percentage.

6. Eat Superfoods Without Going Overboard

They are still foods with great nutritional value that provide many micronutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in each bite, hence they are so satisfying. But that they are good for your health does not mean that they are low in calories, on the contrary! So no matter how "super" they are, remember that they are very dense and that many are rich in fats (like coconut) or sugars (like dates). 

7. A Toast to the Sirtuins

Add sirtuin-activating foods to your diet. Sirtu what? Well, stick with the name because these enzymes present in our body make us burn even more fat, the secret is in knowing how to activate them! We reveal it to you: Foods rich in antioxidants such as resveratrol (present in black grapes, blackberries and blueberries) are the best shortcut to make them take action. 

8. "Really" Eat 

Apply mindfulness techniques at the table. To start, sit down! Stop eating "on the run." Focus on what is on your plate (put down the phone, turn off the television and close the laptop). Chew each bite, savoring and identifying the ingredients, the textures, the temperatures. This will also give your stomach time to send the signal to your head that it is already full, which will prevent you from swallowing despite being satiated.

9. On Wheels

In good weather, change your car or public transport for your bike! A study published in the British Medical Journal reveals that those who move by bike (or walk briskly) have a lower percentage of fat.  

10. Sugar? Not a Bit

As much as the mythical Mary Poppins hummed that "with a little sugar the pill will pass better", stay away from the sugar bowl! A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine states that sugar generates an addiction similar to that of cocaine. Brown sugar and artificial sweeteners like saccharin aren't recommended either. Try cinnamon instead.

11. The Secret of Happiness

It's at your feet! And it is that wearing sports shoes makes you happier according to a study carried out by Sprinter. Wear sneakers and discover the magical slimming power of being positive (it's called serotonin and it's the hormone that will keep your appetite at bay). Who said you can't go to work in flats? 

12. Working and Weight Gain

Stress, long hours sitting, business meals...working can make you fat really fast. Since we cannot get up from the chair and tell the boss that we are leaving for the sake of our waistline, you can do some other things. Do not eat out and prepare your own lunch. According to a study published in Obesity, those who eat food that they have previously prepared themselves gain less weight.

13. Hit Play

Bring out the DJ in you and prepare a cool playlist for your workouts. As research by the University of Texas (USA) assures, exercising with music improves your performance.

READ NEXT: Is Your Sleep Making You Fat? Expert's Surprising Answer >>


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